Artikel kali ini membahas tentang kata ganti orang sama seperti bahasa inggris ada I,SHE,HE,THEY,WE,YOU.
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Mereka (laki- laki)
Mereka ( perempuan)
Didalam bahasa jepang kata ganti orang tunggal menjadi kata ganti orang jamak hanya ditambahkan たち( tachi) di belakang kata ganti orang tunggal., seperti table diatas kataたち( tachi )saya warna merahkan kata tachi sebagai penunjuk penambahan kata tachi.
Supaya kalian tambah jelas saya akan berikan contoh dalam bentuk kalimat percakapan singkat.
ナルト : せんせい、わたしたち はしのびですか、
sensei, watashitachi wa shinobi desuka?
( guru, apakah kami seorang ninja?)
カカシ : はい、そおです。
hai, soo desu.
サスケ : せんせい、かれたち は しのび ですか いしゃあ ですか。
sensei, karetachi wa shinobi desuka ishaa desuka.
(guru.mereka (pria) ninja atau dokter?)
カカシ : かれたち は いしゃあ です。しのび でわ ありましん。
karetachi wa ishaa desu. Shinobi dewa arimasen.
( mereka(pria) dokter dan bukan ninja)
This article discusses a positive sentence structure. It would be nice if we knew the basic structure.Example sentences わたし は かん ご ふ です. Watashi wa desu kangofu. (I am a nurse) わたし (I) : the subject は : word help かん ご ふ : predicate Structure
S は P です.
1. あなた は アギル さん です. Anata wa agiel san desu. (You are agiel)
2. アンヂ さん は だい が く せい です. Andi daigakusei san desu wa. (Andi is a student) わかりました か. Wakarimashita? (Understand)
Now I am starting from the example of a conversation when introducing myself to someone.
Sela : こん いち わ. Konnichiwa! (Good afternoon)
はじめまして. Hajimemashite! (How do you do?)
わ たし は セラ です. Watashi wa desu Sela. (My name is sela)
ど おぞ よろしく. Doozo yoroshiku. (Nice to meet you)
Shinta: こん いち わ. Konnichiwa!
はじめまして. Hajimemashite!
わたし は シンタ です. Watashi wa Shinta desu. (My name is shinta)
ど おぞ よる しく. Doozo yoroshiku. (Nice to meet you too) InformationUsually in use to introduce yourself the first time I met with はじめまして (hajimemashite), は (wa) is an auxiliary word subject, desu an auxiliary verb (this word is behind the sentence following the noun or adjective) です (desu ) 'u'nya not say but in read des, ど おぞ よる しく (doozo yoroshiku) as too nice to meet you.
いっらし ゃいませ... Irrashaimase (welcome) Artkel this time was still discussing the katakana writing, but now its in katakana characters are round and also add quotation marks so that the sound changes as hiragana in the previous article. Look at his picture.
Image 1.katakana
The second picture below is the paper added katakana ya, yu, yo and e small, and as the above changes fundamentally sound words of greeting.
The contents of this article is to discuss the learning time writing katakana. Definition katakanaKatakana is the word used to write the words that come from foreign languages or not from the original Japanese language, for example a foreign company, a foreigner, Indonesian writing, the name of the State and is also used to write words that need to be on the highlight in a sentence. That definition And these words
Image 1. Katakana's words
Already viewed his writings above. Different shapes by writing hiragana, right? Now your task is to memorize this paper. Examples of words katakana 1. nama agus = ナマ アグス2. gila lo = ギラロ (in the Japanese language there is no consonant L, then L is s replaced with R as in this example be read Gira ro) please memorize the katakan's word. Among this article. Hopefully useful さよなら.... Created by Agiel
This article was learning that the three are still talking about word of hiragana and the continuation of that to the second.. Let's look at the picture below.ど ぞ ... ....
Image 1. Hiragana's word
do yousee the difference again?
The word on the top now to increased with the word や, ゆ, よ (yu, ya, yo) but small in size papers.
These words will be added to change the sound too. example
ち (chi) in a ちゃ added ya (cha) わかりました か.. (Do you understood know?) not yet, Let me give another example. word of Shi as an example し (shi) was added ゆ 'yu' be し ゅ (shu) Added し じ quotes a (ji), then the add ゆ 'yo' be じ ょ (jo) わかりました か 。。。。( Wakarimashitaka)..
Okay .. I Have the past until the article here. My suggestion is, memorize and understand the words.